G000511 "News Lab (Google News Initiative)"

URL: https://newsinitiative.withgoogle.com/intl/en_gb/google-news-lab/

Sector: Technology

Primary role: Fact checking

Secondary role: Journalism

Primary subject:

Secondary subject:

Has volunteers:

Region: North America

Country: USA

Twitter handle:

Summary: Through the News Lab, the Google News Initiative is developing partnerships and providing training on contemporary issues in journalism. Trust and misinformation are News Lab priorities, and the organization provides support for initiatives like the Trust Project, First Draft, and Cross Check. Through the Digital News Innovation Fund, the Google News Initiative is providing support for European projects tackling challenges in the digital news environment, including a project called Digger, which aims to create audio forensic technologies that can assist in detecting deepfakes. Google is also integrating tagging strategies into Google News articles in some countries and modifying its algorithm to punish hate speech and disinformation in search results.