G000709 "Transatlantic Council on Election Integrity (TCEI) Alliance of Democracies"

URL: https://www.allianceofdemocracies.org/transatlantic-commission-on-election-integrity/

Sector: Civil Society/NGO

Primary role: Research (primary/secondary)

Secondary role: Public Policy

Primary subject: Democracy

Secondary subject: Civil Liberties (human rights)

Has volunteers:

Region: Global

Country: USA

Twitter handle:

Summary: The Alliance of Democracies runs the Transatlantic Commission on Election Integrity (TCEI), which convenes individuals from media and government to prevent foreign interference in elections. TCEI advocates for campaigns to adopt its Pledge for Election Integrity, conducts monitoring in countries with upcoming elections, and promotes public policy solutions addressing deepfakes and other emerging technologies that threaten the integrity of elections.