I00010 "ParklandTeens"
- Object type: incident
- Year started: 2018
- Found in country: USA
- Attributions seen: Unknown
Summary: IRA trolls amplified the far right messaging around the attack. Most notably they amplified social media speculation that many of the teens involved were “crisis actors” nefariously injected into the conversation by outside actors with an anti-gun poltical agenda. Other amplifications included ongoing harassment of survivors and claims that the event is a hoax from the right; and fatalist cynicism about gun reform from the left.
Uses techniques:
- T0007 as FB pages/groups/profiles:
- T0010 as cultivate, manipulate, exploit useful idiots (Alex Jones... drives conspiracy theories; false flags, crisis actors):
- T0020 as 4Chan/8Chan - trial content:
- T0046 as SEO optimisation/manipulation ("key words"):