M002: diversion

Summary: Create alternative channels, messages etc in disinformation-prone systems

Counters in M002
C00029 Create fake website to issue counter narrative and counter narrative through physical merchandise Create websites in disinformation voids - spaces where people are looking for known disinformation.
C00030 Develop a compelling counter narrative (truth based)
C00032 Hijack content and link to truth- based info Link to platform
C00078 Change Search Algorithms for Disinformation Content Includes “change image search algorithms for hate groups and extremists” and “Change search algorithms for hate and extremist queries to show content sympathetic to opposite side”
C00080 Create competing narrative Create counternarratives, or narratives that compete in the same spaces as misinformation narratives. Could also be degrade
C00084 Modify disinformation narratives, and rebroadcast them Includes “poison pill recasting of message” and “steal their truths”. Many techniques involve promotion which could be manipulated. For example, online fundings or rallies could be advertised, through compromised or fake channels, as being associated with "far-up/down/left/right" actors. "Long Game" narratives could be subjected in a similar way with negative connotations. Can also replay technique T0003.
C00086 Distract from noise with addictive content Example: Interject addictive links or contents into discussions of disinformation materials and measure a "conversion rate" of users who engage with your content and away from the social media channel's "information bubble" around the disinformation item. Use bots to amplify and upvote the addictive content.
C00090 Fake engagement system Create honeypots for misinformation creators to engage with, and reduce the resources they have available for misinformation campaigns.
C00091 Honeypot social community Set honeypots, e.g. communities, in networks likely to be used for disinformation.
C00100 Hashtag jacking Post large volumes of unrelated content on known misinformation hashtags
C00103 Create a bot that engages / distract trolls This is reactive, not active measure (honeypots are active). It's a platform controlled measure.
C00106 Click-bait centrist content Create emotive centrist content that gets more clicks
C00195 Redirect searches away from disinformation or extremist content Use Google AdWords to identify instances in which people search Google about particular fake-news stories or propaganda themes. Includes Monetize centrist SEO by subsidizing the difference in greater clicks towards extremist content.
C00202 Set data 'honeytraps' Set honeytraps in content likely to be accessed for disinformation.