DISARM Objects
DISARM is a set of frameworks for describing and understanding disinformation incidents. Learn more about DISARM
DISARM Objects
Framework objects:- Frameworks
- Phases: A phase is the highest-level grouping of tactics and their associated techniques, corresponding to a logical stage in the execution of an influence campaign.
- Tactics: A tactic is a way or means by which the objectives (ends) are met, and which does not prescribe either the specific techniques or procedures used to achieve it.
- Techniques: Techniques are the “how” of a particular tactic. Techniques are associated with one or more tactics, as a particular technique may be used to accomplish different goals. Techniques may also be formulated as what an actor gains by doing something. Like Tactics, a Technique name should always begin with a simple present tense action verb. Techniques can be combined to create procedures.
- Tasks
- Countermeasures
- Detections
- Responsetypes
- Metatechniques
- Playbooks
- Resources