C00016 "Censorship"

Tactic stage: TA01

Metatechnique: M005

Summary: Alter and/or block the publication/dissemination of information controlled by disinformation creators. Not recommended.

Counters techniques:

T0002 Facilitate State Propaganda
T0003 Leverage Existing Narratives
T0009 Create fake experts
T0007 Create Inauthentic Social Media Pages and Groups
T0013 Create inauthentic websites
T0014 Prepare fundraising campaigns
T0015 Create hashtags and search artifacts
T0016 Create Clickbait
T0017 Conduct fundraising
T0018 Purchase Targeted Advertisements
T0022 Leverage Conspiracy Theory Narratives
T0044 Seed distortions
T0045 Use fake experts
T0043 Chat apps
T0049 Flooding the Information Space
T0057 Organize Events